Which Book Should We Read from Mozambique?

With only 61% of the population literate, few books by Mozambicans available, & most people unfamiliar with the country, we knew we’d get few book suggestions. But both Eydis West & Beth Cummings rallied sending in some great books so a big thank to both of them! (You’ll see Eydis’ suggestion in the list, but Beth sent in a book I’d previously decided to include as 1 of my suggestions. Great minds do think alike!)

Before we get to the vote, I wanted to point out the unique Mozambican flag you see here which Siyabona Africa notes is the only flag in the world to have a symbol of a modern weapon on it—an AK-47 assault rifle with an attached bayonet!

After the country gained independence from Portugal, they adopted the flag of the main revolutionary army, the Mozambican Liberation Front (FRELIMO) for an interim period. Then, a new flag was chosen. However, it became a big point of contention since it’s so similar to the FRELIMO flag & it’s thought that the weapon signifies violence & civil war. So in 2005, there was a competition to design a new flag & a winner was chosen. However, FRELIMO is still the leading political party so they’ve refused to accept any changes to the flag.

FRELIMO flag (& official country flag 1975-1983)

Current flag of Mozambique

the current flag & what it symbolizes

Officially, here’s what the flag symbolizes according to World Population Review:

  • Green = riches of the land

  • Yellow = minerals

  • Black = continent of Africa

  • Red triangle = fight for the nation’s independence

  • Small white stripes = peace

  • Star = internationalism & Marxism

  • Assault rifle with bayonet = vigilance & defense

  • Open book = education & its important role

  • Hoe = agriculture

That’s one complex & unique flag!

Now onto the club vote.


You can vote from now until Mon., July 20 11:30PM. (That's NYC time. See this converted to your local time below.)

Time converter at worldtimebuddy.com

To participate:

1. Review the books.

2. Then, click here to vote.

We'll publish the anonymous results afterwards so you can get the book in advance.